Anyway, last saturday was the kindergarten graduation. Can't tell you how thrilled I was to get to go to school on saturday. I got to lead the kids in a song in sign language. I didn't really teach them the song. I think they got most of the signs from the internet. Then when they found out my minor was ASL they asked me to make sure it was right and to lead the song for graduation. This was like 2 days before they were supposed to perform it so I didn't change much. Its not like anybody would know if it was wrong. It went pretty well I think. I wish I had gotten some pictures from graduation, but I didn't. So the rest of the weekend I was pretty lazy. Went to Rhythm and Booze with Kristina, Abby, and Michael saturday night, but not much else.
This week has been really long and kinda boring. We had 3 age groups of morning kids. I don't teach the youngest group (amber) at all. I have a few classes with the middle group (jade). The oldest group (ruby) graduated so they come in the afternoon now instead. Some days I didn't even have class until 2:00 even though I had to be at school at 9:30. Not having anything to do made me feel really tired. Thursday and Friday we didn't have morning classes at all. It was parent orientation for the new semester. Thursday was orientation for the new kids and parents. Friday was for parents and kids that are returning. We have a lot of new kids coming in next week. Its gonna be scary. We don't even know our schedule for the morning kids. We know our schedule for afternoon, but they haven't told us what we're teaching or anything yet. So its gonna be fun. I'm going to have like no free time either. Ok, I'm starting to get stressed so lets move on to the weekend.
Friday we had Monopoly night at Kristina's. I think I mentioned before that Abby bought us Monopoly for Christmas, but it was all in Korean. We used Kristina's mom as a translator. It was credit card Monopoly too so that made things interesting. It was fun. Long, a bit heated at times, but fun:) Michael ended up winning the game. Pretty sure he cheated though...
Today I went to Korean class. We're starting to get more into conversational stuff. I now have 40+ stickers! Yay! After class, Michael and I went on a search for a Papa Johns cause I was pretty sure I had seen one and I thought I could find it...and guess what! I did! I'm getting much better at the whole directions thing. The pizza was delicious too:)
The weather was really nice today. It was sunny and not cold at all. We walked all the way back to the subway station, which is not a short walk, stopping to play on the swings at a playground on the way. I could get used to this weather, but it looks like its gonna be getting cold again tomorrow. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted!